Thursday, November 23, 2006

March Against Global Warming

About 2 weeks ago Madelaine and me went to support the activists and the enviromentalist and we march down the streets of the city of Sydney against Global Warming. Although it was a pretty shitty day (in terms of weather conditions) it was a really nice day.
Here are some photos to prove it.

My Favourite Rainbow

This Rainbow was taken by Sasha on his phone. I love it because it's incredibly clear and also because Bondi Beach looks gorgeous.

Our Furry Friends

From the Top: Cocolina, Ingrid and Peper, Sasha and Coco and Lulu and Frankie

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Check out this footage of U2- Elevation
Last friday night we saw U2 in Sydney. Sasha and I lined up from 12.30pm and about 4.30 the rest of our friends joined us. It was a pretty hot day but the anticipation made it all worth it. While we were lining up we talked to one of the security people and they told us about 5000 people get to go to the front standing section. We realised that there couldn't be more than 1000 people in front of us so we had a pretty big chance to be one the lucky few.
Once the doors opened at 5.30pm we all rushed trhu them, don't know exactly why, because security people were telling us all the way that we were going to get into the selected area. And we did!!! We couldn't believe how lucky we were. Not only we got tickets to a show that sold out in 5 minutes but we got to be in that lucky area where only a few thousand people get to be and enjoy the show with a VIP atmosphere.
The show was aweeeesooome!!!!! It was really beautiful, exciting, euphoric and emotional. The stadium was packed and we were only a few meters away of Bono and the rest of the crew. What more can I say it was probably the best concert ever.

So to share it with all of you check out some of this YouTube footage and the photos that we took of it. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cocolina and Frankie

Franky exploring his new territory and Cocolina having a cat nap


Sasha, Martin, Lauren and Me